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Friday, June 10, 2005


Hiya! Some very interesting days in Bangkok! I went to Chinatown two days ago to buy some tea. Took the water taxi which goes all the way to Siam Square (veddy Central Bangkok) for 14 baht. The water is sooo black... anyway, it was so different in the "city" compared to where I live. Big buildings, tons of white people walking around, swanky hotels, traffic... not so good, really. But I went to Chinatown, got some oolong tea, and found a chawsiew place to eat at. Got chawsiew mee with wontons. It was really busy so a guy, maybe 45, and his girl friend had to sit at my table. We started talking cuz he spoke good english and it turns out he'd driven all the way from outside Bangkok, parked by the train to avoid traffic, taken the train then a taxi just to eat at this particular noodle stall. It's very famous for its wontons and its noodles, he said. Well the guy was pretty wealthy and he bought my dinner and suggested we all take a cab to his car where I could also get a bus. Very nice! After paying for the cab, he said that Ram was on the way to his place so he actually drove me all the way back. Wah lau. He was an ethnic chinese from Hainan but of the first generation born in Thailand - has a son in Canada. So I experienced a bit of the high-flying Bangkok. Now to the low-flying:

This is the main road I live on. Keep following it into the distance and you'll run into my school (gotta take a pedestrian overpass though). To get to my apartment, you'd turn left where that big white building on the left meets the ground. And you'd see...

See that motorcycle driving down the street (not the red guy)? You'd turn right just where he is to get to my place.

Everyone has been really nice and laid back. It's been fun meeting new people and just walking around. So yesterday I was hanging around with these girls but mostly with those three that I met first from my apartment. We had lunch and dinner (dinner was sooooo gooooood... and a total of $6 for four people - expensive for here).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow... a wiskey night... that's gotta hurt the head. Looks like fun dude. I love how the little adventures you have usually include good food, nice people, and cheap prices. be careful of those girls dude. You're just asking for drama hanging around that many cute girls at the same time.
I'm so envious of you ... but I'll be in Japan in no time!

peace to you Bro,

Friday, 10 June, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

in answer to your earlier question... which I just read... I'll be in japan from the 25th of august through the 19th of december. Good times... except japan is about twice as expensive as the US rather than being 1/8 the price of america like BKK.

Saturday, 11 June, 2005  
Blogger B.D. Crabtree said...

Wow, that's a good amount of time to be in Japan. Nice... yah, the food is so damn good and cheap. Makes things much happier in general. Unlike Oxford where it made you want to die in general.

Sunday, 12 June, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i agree. the prices... if i was in thailand there would be a weigh lifted off of my soul. england hen gui... i think tokyo and london are the most expensive cities to live in in the world.

Sunday, 12 June, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree but Tokyo has a plus side... better food than London. Plus you can find som mom and pop little places that arent that outrageously expensive... you can get a decent meal for like 7 or 8 bucks US. Actually, I'll only be in tokyo for a few days, I'll be staying near Hikone, which is in Shiga prefecture. so maybe things are cheaper down there. who knows.

Sunday, 12 June, 2005  
Anonymous Guide to Bangkok Hotels said...

Many thanks with your good story. If i have a chance to visit in Bangkok again , i will look for the hotel around Kaosarn Road. I think that Kaosarn Road is good for young travellers. Around the street, there are a number of old buildings and temples, some of which have been transformed into restaurants and even tattoo parlours, although you will still find quiet family homes if you look deep enough. Aside from some interesting architecture, Banglampoo shows the mix of peoples and heritages that is the character of Bangkok. There are Muslims, Buddhists, Mons, and of course a great number of foreigners in this small area. All of this makes the area an interesting place for a glimpse of Thai life. Thais also appreciate the area for the many types of traditional kanom or Thai snacks and desserts available and the cheap clothing available in the Banglampoo Market

Friday, 25 September, 2009  
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