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Tuesday, June 07, 2005


Allright, many pics this time. The first one is along one of the 'klongs' were you can hop on a boat to central Bangkok. The second is the pavillion in the pond at Ramkhamhaeng. Nice, eh? Still trying to find a scanner though....
So Bangkok is good! On Sunday morning I was about to go out to look for an apartment (Max, the guy who helped me the night before, wrote down some questions in Thai) so I was about to go out when another guy from the hotel, Teung, asked if he could help me look. Good. We started looking on the other side of the school where there are more shops and, I found out later, it's supposedly safer to live. The first place we went was his sister's room to get try to get some info. We woke her and her roommate up and and it turned out there were no rooms in that building. We kept looking for at least 3 hours, going down one road (soi) until it was too far and then going down the next road. We finally found a place that looked really good and I signed for it. Twas 2500 baht a month which works out to about $65. Not bad. After that, we went over to a friend of Teung's place. We woke him up too. Teung and him had been out dancing the night before and there were glasses of stale beer sitting around. So they emptied those out and went to 7-11 to get some more... we only had a bottle each but I hadn't eaten all day except for some papaya so I was suprisingly "silly". We sat around listening to some bad, cheap reproductions of recognizable songs. They asked me if I knew who the singer was and I just laughed... but I don't want to seem like a music snob or anything. Casual listening is always good; I would rather listen to the music I like alone. Me and Teung ate some lunch then it started to rain and we got caught in Ramkhamhaeng for a while:

Back at the hotel:

And this is the new room. The front door is just to my left:

I've gotta work on the matress... it's just a thin bag of cotton. That "sheet" is from my freshman trip to Bali. We had to buy sarongs so we could go in a temple and I found it recently in a box. When I get a real sheet I'm gonna use it as a curtain.

That fan cost about $20, actually. A heavy son of a bitch. Had to carry that and my water-boiler for about 45 minutes from a department store.

Here's the water plan: 1) Make drinking water with the water-boiler, 2) Pour it into the clear, plastic bucket and let it cool down, 3) Fill up my glass bottle by using the faucet at the bottom of the bucket (not there yet)

Trash. TV and stereo gonna go there.

Hehe, I was shaving this morning when a guy from the apartment next to mine started talking to me. I was a bit shy at first about having a family right outside my window - but who cares. Best not to think about it and just do whatever you'd normally do.
Oh, I was lying bed trying to sleep last night when I got a very unexpected phone call. This was my first night in the room and no one knows my number (including me) but my phone was ringing... I pick it up and its some giggling local girls. They ask me what my name is and everything and I say, "Who.... Who are you?" She says, "My name, Nor." I'm like, "ahhh.... ok.... but, who are you?" "Nor!" It turns out that they were two floors up and had seen me move in. They came down and took me to their room (five of them in a room my size). They were really nice actually, and we sat around trying to talk for about 3 hours. We're gonna go look at a temple on Saturday morning... good! Nice to easily meet new people.
Well, I gotta go to the bank. I walked for a half hour over there then realized I didn't bring my new address... so my break is over. Bye bye.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ahhh back to the lands of lots of walking... while i'm still here being spoiled by my 5-speed car... I feel ashamed. yet I'll be in japan soon and doing a lot of walking and train riding myself. glad to hear ya gotta place to stay and meeting people is easy. thats great. good luck fending off nor and her friends upstairs... if that is your intention... er.... well.... whatever..

Tuesday, 07 June, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wah brian! wo xihuan ni de jia... veddy jealous. i want to come visit. keyi ma? yinguo people so drama, always try to fight. thai people seem hen keqi, dui ma?

Thursday, 09 June, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! You don't know me, I don't know you, but I found a link to your page through paul doopie's page and between my ADD and sleep deprivation I found myself reading it for the past uh time i guess whatever anyway Probably feels good to know complete strangers read about your personal life, huh? You use lots of pictures. That's nice I like that. Good going. "w00t" (a term i've just picked up another of my ADD internet travels tonight through the links of paul doopie's xanga page... the [dr] site in particular, subpage lan lingo or something whatever I'm sure the details are so thrilling really. not quite. Anyway hmm i dont think i really have a point to writing this right now, except may to say hi and nice page I will probably read it again in the future especially when i get bored. hmm what else... eh well if you're curious now, my xanga user name is cbcherie. I guess you can find whatever else on me at the page. I tend to ramble on sometimes and yea you might have noticed that already. once in a while i'm entertaining in writing usually much more so in person usually i come off as more ditsy or something in writing tho. oh well. Okay i'm done.

Friday, 10 June, 2005  
Blogger B.D. Crabtree said...

aiyo, dana. my singlish not that good :)

cbcherie: uh... thank you, come again?

Sunday, 12 June, 2005  

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