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Sunday, May 22, 2005


22_05_05, originally uploaded by xdrjohnx.

Tomorrow got me! More people have come by today than all other days combined. So scary; strangers running around clicking with their dirty pointers.... Someone was wondering how I know a bit of Singlish - I lived in Singapore for 8 years from '94 until '02. That's longer than I've lived anywhere else, so Singapore is kena my home. I went to the American school out at Woodlands by the way (and Ulu Pandan before that). Used to hang around Orchard quite a lot because I lived near there. Oh! Me and two other friends were sometimes on the show TeenTV which was on Channel 5 on Sunday mornings. Maybe one of you saw me as you were diving for the remote to change the channel...

For the new people, I draw a comic everyday and post it here. Recently, I've been drawing animals and nature-stuff... not sure why (I'm really liking these kittens) And if I eat anything particularly yummy I'll usually put up a picture of it. I also post crap like this:


This story goes back six years to my freshman year of highschool at SAS. The freshman used to eat lunch and hang out between classes on the second floor patio beside the cafeteria. Between the patio and the cafeteria were about 10 big glass doors. One day I was sitting out there eating lunch when I heard this huge crash. Somebody tripped on a backpack and fell right through one of the doors. The whole thing shattered - the guy was fine though because the door was made out of safety glass. I went over there, picked up a cracked piece of glass, and put it in my backpack. Six years later I find it in a box:

That cafeteria has since been torn down (let record show that I had the last Sze Chuan Chicken ever served in that cafeteria. The Last.) .. yah, torn down, so I figured I'd like to keep the glass and try to make sure it doesn't break. My dad suggested glueing it to something rigid like a piece of metal, but I wanted to be able to see through it. I was in Home Depot with my parents so I wandered around and found some clear, hard plastic and some epoxy that dries clear. Cost about $5.50.

So I cut out a piece, traced the shape of the glass, cut it down to size, and glued it together.

Drying... then I took this drill-kena-sander-thing and shaved off all the extra plastic.

FINISH! Pretty, ah? Now the final step: testing.

(oh, and I realize that Thoreau's "throw the paperweight out of the window b/c you gotta dust it" quote from Thursday slightly goes against today's activity... but Thoreau never lived in Singapore. He never fed left over mee goreng to cats with kinks in their tales. He spent his whole life in Bumblefuck, Connecticut in the damn eighteen hundreds. If I were stuck in some frozen tundra surrounded by Quakers, I'd be throwing stuff around, too.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wad's ur favourite food in Singapore? Perhaps I can email you some? Haha...

Monday, 23 May, 2005  
Blogger B.D. Crabtree said...

Hehe, my freshman year of college I used to sit on the computer trying to find pictures of hawker food... Actually, I don't know too much about Singapore food. I thought I did until I started talking to this Malaysian kid in my dormatory and I quickly found out I was pretty ignorant. Still, my favorite hawker meal would probably be good 'ol chicken rice, two pratas, and a kopi. Favorite meal of all would be a big pepper crab dinner at Long Beach out on East Coast (the one close to Jumbo). What about you?

Tuesday, 24 May, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, i like your t-shirt;)

Wednesday, 25 May, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha... i was just looking over your old posts and I missed this one... I remember the kid falling through the door. i have some glass from that too... donno where though. I think its in the pocket of one of my backpacks or something... the testing pic is hilarious.... very funny, bravo...

Tuesday, 07 June, 2005  

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